
The legendary forest of King Arthur and Knights of the Round Table (also called forest of Paimpont) has more than one trick up his sleeve to make you dream or shiver. Fairies left many stories live in ponds, streams, clearings, stones and hamlets. Ready to experiment ?

Book a tour in the forest of Broceliande

 Stories of the knights of the Round Table in Broceliande forest (Bretagne)  Tours and hikes in the legendary forest of Broceliande (Brittany, France)


Practical information :

  • Visit is meant to last 2.5 hours.
  • Other durations and contents are available on demand for tours in Broceliande (hike, combination of short walks in places that we reach with common transportation or not).
  • Special offer Broceliande + Rochefort en Terre, 2 private visit pack on the same day : 240€.





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